What Is Blepharitis?

The eyes are one of the most important organs in the body, and issues with them can seriously and obviously reduce one’s quality of life. Therefore, it becomes important to take care of any issues that might arise with them. One common ailment of the eyes is blepharitis, which is an inflammatory condition of the eyelids. This chronic condition involves the eyelids becoming inflamed and irritated, and over time, it has the potential to impact one’s ability to see.

 If you suspect that you might have blepharitis, this guide acts as a handbook on the condition and can help you determine whether eyelash treatment would benefit you.


What is Blepharitis?

Blepharitis is a serious eye condition characterized by inflammation growing along the eyelids. It occurs quite frequently when the tiny oil glands near the base of the eyelashes become clogged, causing irritation and redness. Other medical conditions can also contribute to blepharitis.

Blepharitis is typically a chronic condition that is difficult to treat in the long term. However, it typically does not cause permanent damage to the eyes and is not a contagious disease.


Symptoms of Blepharitis

Blepharitis carries with it a number of different symptoms that can help a patient or physician identify whether or not this is the issue that is affecting your eyes. Common symptoms of blepharitis include: 

  • Itchy eyelids
  • Swollen eyelids
  • Flaking skin around the eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Stinging sensations in the eyes
  • Superfluous blinking
  • A general sensitivity to light
  • Highly blurred vision

You should start taking these symptoms more seriously and consider seeing a doctor if you find that the signs and symptoms you are experiencing do not improve when you take normal hygienic measures to treat them. If this is the case, consider reaching out to a medical professional.


What Are the Causes of Blepharitis?

Interestingly, pinpointing the exact cause of blepharitis has been a difficult task for modern medicine. However, some of the following factors have been identified as plausible sources for the disease:

  • Infection in the eyes
  • Malfunctioning oil glands in the eyes
  • Rosacea
  • Dry eyes
  • Eyelash mites and lice
  • Allergic reactions
  • Seborrheic dermatitis

Your physician will be able to pinpoint where they think your blepharitis might be coming from when they do an overview of your overall medical profile.


Medical Complications That Can Influence Blepharitis

Several medical complications and scenarios have the potential to influence the development of blepharitis. In addition, the condition itself can contribute to the development of other medical issues. Some of the following complications should be taken into account when considering the elements of a blepharitis case:


Eyelid Skin Issues

Untreated blepharitis can begin to scar the skin surrounding your eyes over time.


Eyelash Issues

Blepharitis has the potential to cause your eyelashes to fall out or grow abnormally.


Excessively Watery or Dry Eyes

Abnormal oily secretions and other debris that can be shed from the eyes can accumulate and build up in the corners of the eyes. This has the potential to exacerbate any existing irritation and tearing issues.



A stye is a type of eye infection that develops near the base of one’s eyelashes. Styes develop into painful lumps on the edges of the eyelids.


Pink Eye

Blepharitis has the potential to develop into recurrent pink eye.


Eye Injury

Untreated blepharitis has the potential to irritate areas of the eye to the point of injury. In particular, sores can develop on the corneas of the eye if blepharitis is left untreated for too long.



A chalazion is a type of sore that occurs when one of the many small oil glands on the margins of the eyelids becomes blocked. This blockage has the potential to develop into inflammation, which causes the eyelid to swell up and redden. Over time, depending on whether appropriate treatment is applied to the sore, it can either clear up or turn into a hard bump.


The Best Eyelid Surgeon in Orange County 

OC Oculoplastic is one of the most highly regarded surgeons in Southern California. If you are looking for a high-quality venue for eyelash treatment in Orange County, contact us today to set up an appointment and discuss your treatment options.