A Non-Surgical Brow Lift Thanks to Injectables

Over the passage of time and primarily due to age, the eyebrows can begin to sag. What this results in is an appearance that can appear to be more negative, even when you do not mean to be. Such a facial expression can hamper your social experiences and make other people not be able to read your expressions properly. It also provides an impression of old age and for many people, youthful contours will always be in fashion.
Eyebrow sagging, if not controlled can lead to further sagging. With the passage of time, the skin and the underlying fat and tissues begin to pull toward the ground, an effect that results in the sagging appearance that we all dread. However, there are cosmetic options that can help you to deal with this problem, and not all of them are surgical.

Non-surgical eyebrow reshaping is in high demand now, and many alternate methods have been developed that claim to reduce the appearance of sagging and make for a younger aesthetic. For those who are not comfortable with the idea of surgery, or do not have the time to invest in such surgical procedures which sometimes require more time off work, non-surgical options can provide the same effects in a shorter time, and allows you to return to work soon after.

Before you decide which option is right for you, you must find a good cosmetic surgeon. It will be your doctor who will guide you towards which procedure is right for you and make the recommendations based on your individual needs.

The surgeon you select should be someone who has a history of performing successful brow lift surgeries. A single misstep in the process can make the eyebrows look misshapen. This is why a practiced hand is absolutely essential for success.

Your doctor will be able to suggest which option is best for you, and he may select this based on the level of sagging your brows currently exhibit, along with your desired end results.


One of the most recommended non-surgical brow lift options is botox. The treatment works by relaxing the muscles that are underlying the skin. Our eyebrows primarily have two muscles, and they operate by one pulling the eyebrows upward, and the other downwards.

Botox can be used to weaken the muscle that makes the eyebrows drag downwards, and thereby prevents and reduce sagging. Another option is getting injectable fillers, like Juvederm. A method that is used to reduce saggy skin as well as improve the natural proportion of the brow. These filler injections are minimally invasive and safe in many different types of skin. You can even go back to work on the day after the surgery.

Fat grafting is another option you may consider. In this process, fat is taken from areas where there is excess and removed so that it can be grafted into those areas where it is most needed for a boost in aesthetic appeal. The stem cells in the fat grafts ensures that this method is long lasting and effective.


If you have sagging eyebrows that cause you to feel insecure in your body, a non-surgical brow lift is the solution you need to find relief. If you’re interested in learning more about this procedure, contact our office to schedule a consultation with skilled plastic surgeon, Dr. Jeffrey Joseph, today!