Does Illness Cause Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

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Dark circles under the eyes are a common problem among people all over the world. Although they are usually just associated with fatigue and lack of sleep, they can also be a symptom of a medical issue. It is good to note, however, that they are not always a sign of illness and that there … Read more

5 Things to Know Before Getting Microneedling

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The signs of aging, such as Fine lines, wrinkles, and skin texture issues, can impact your facial aesthetic by making you look older and leaving you feeling less confident in your appearance. Addressing the signs of aging early on can ensure your skin stays healthy and youthful. One way to do this is through microneedling, … Read more

How Long Does a Mid Facelift Last?

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A mid facelift is designed to reduce the signs of aging in the middle of the face and has become an increasingly popular choice for people seeking a youthful appearance. Still, when considering cosmetic procedures, the longevity of the procedure’s results can be a make-or-break factor for some patients. As a result, many patients ask … Read more

How Long Does a Tear Duct Surgery Take?

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There is a small opening in your eyelids that drains the tears your eyes produce. When you blink, tears are pushed into these openings. From there, they travel through the canaliculus and into a larger area called the lacrimal sac. This sac continues down to the tear duct, which goes around the bony structures that … Read more

When Does Insurance Cover Eyelid Surgery?

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You’ve invested your time, done the research, and decided that eyelid surgery is for you. When it comes to funding that surgery, things can become more complicated. Thankfully, we have made it a point to help you navigate the red tape and understand the technical aspects. A major question we get asked time and time … Read more

What Are the Most Common Types of Reconstructive Eye Surgery?

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Reconstructive eye surgery refers to a class of surgeries designed to assist patients who need to have the appearance of their eyes modified following some unwanted damage or change. Several different types of surgery fall under this umbrella. Some types of reconstructive eye surgery are more commonly requested than others. Educating yourself about some of … Read more

7 Leading Causes of Ectropion and Entropion

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Your eyelids are complicated and complex parts of the body. They serve many functions, including protecting your eyes against harm. Whether because of an injury or a preexisting condition, your eyelids can malfunction from time to time. Specifically, you may have entropion—an eyelid that curves inward with the eyelashes touching the eyeball—ectropion—an outward-turned eyelid. Visit your … Read more

The Effects of Dark Circles on Confidence and Perception

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Dark circles are often blue, purple, or brown shadows right under one’s eyes. They have a visible impact on your facial aesthetic. Generally, they are not a cause for medical concern. However, they are a cosmetic concern for so many people. They impact people of all ages and can cause serious insecurities. Below, you will … Read more

Types of Brow Lift Procedure

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Your eyes are an important part of your facial aesthetic. The natural aging process can impact the area around your eyes. Fine lines, wrinkles, and skin sagging are all common signs of aging. Your eyebrows can also age you. Droopy eyebrows can make you tired and unhappy. Eyebrow sagging is a common issue caused by … Read more