How a Cheek Lift Can Boost Confidence

Woman enjoying the boost in confidence from a cheek lift.

A cheek lift is often an important component of surgical facial rejuvenation. Unlike a traditional facelift, which targets the neck, jowl, and chin, a cheek lift helps to address the area where the cheekbone transitions towards the lower eyelid. As a result, a cheek lift is sometimes called a mid-facelift. For the best results, patients … Read more

Reasons for Forehead Wrinkles Besides Aging

Woman surprised at reasons for forehead wrinkles besides aging.

Wrinkles can age your face making you look tired and old. While aging is the most common reason you may notice fine lines and wrinkles on your face, there are other reasons for forehead wrinkles besides aging. Below you will find the most common causes of forehead wrinkles and what you can do to improve … Read more

Quick Guide to Dry Eyes

Woman experiencing dry eyes and itchiness

Dry eye may sound relatively innocuous, but the people who have it can tell you it absolutely isn’t. The primary symptoms of dry eyes are stinging, burning, and blurred vision. It isn’t just uncomfortable, it directly harms your quality of life. That is why we’re going to spend some longer-overdue time talking about dry eyes. … Read more

Can Lower Eyelids Be Droopy?

Woman pointing at herself wondering if lower eyelids can be droopy.

As you age it can impact the look of your eyes. You may wonder, can lower eyelids be droopy? Your age and certain lifestyle habits can cause you to have bags and dark circles under your eyes. This can make you look much older, tired, and negatively impact your overall appearance. Below you will find … Read more

Habits That Make Your Face Look Aged

Woman checking herself in the mirror for her face that might look aged.

At some time or another we have all heard that weathered warning that making a face will eventually result in it getting stuck that way. Now your eyes may not be permanently crossed and your tongue may not be permanently stuck out, but our habits certainly do affect the way our faces look over the … Read more

What Is the Best Age for Eyelid Surgery?

Woman marked in preparation for eyelid surgery.

As you age your eyelids can sag and impact your appearance. This may be caused by the effects of natural aging, genetics, poor lifestyle habits, or a combination of these factors. In addition to these factors, those with naturally hooded eyes may notice sagging earlier than those without. Eyelid surgery can help treat the issue … Read more

Risk Factors for Skin Cancer

Sun is a key risk factor for skin cancer.

One in every five Americans will develop skin cancer at some point during their lifetime. This troubling statistic makes skin cancer the most common cancer among people living in the United States. Fortunately, skin cancer is considered highly treatable in the vast majority of cases. By recognizing your risk factors, protecting your skin, and performing … Read more

Mid Facelift vs Regular Facelift

Lift lines for combination mid facelift and regular facelift.

Facelifts are a great cosmetic procedure for those looking to improve their look and minimize the signs of aging. The effects of poor lifestyle habits and natural aging can take a toll on one’s face. Depending on how much you would like to enhance, there are differences between a mid facelift vs regular facelift. Both … Read more

What Ages Your Forehead?

Woman pointing to her eyebrows wondering what ages her forehead.

Aging is a normal part of life, but few, if any, people actually enjoy the process. The signs may start innocently: a few smile lines around the eyes or a single grey hair. Unfortunately, they quickly compound in your thirties and forties to the point where you may not recognize the person you see in … Read more

What Ages Your Forehead?

Woman pointing to her eyebrows wondering what ages her forehead.

Aging is a normal part of life, but few, if any, people actually enjoy the process. The signs may start innocently: a few smile lines around the eyes or a single grey hair. Unfortunately, they quickly compound in your thirties and forties to the point where you may not recognize the person you see in … Read more