How a Plastic Surgeon Treats Genetic Dark Circles

concept of genetic dark circles

Late nights, early mornings, and poor-quality sleep can lead to dark circles. While you can usually overcome this with some good rest, stress relief, and hydrating, persistent dark circles can be difficult to get rid of altogether. Sometimes dark circles are due to genetics which can result in the need for cosmetic intervention. Below you … Read more

Difference Between a Mid Facelift and Traditional Facelift

concept of difference between a mid facelift and traditional facelift

Working towards your aesthetic and wellness goals requires a daily routine of care, which can help you live longer and look younger as the years go by. But some signs of aging cannot be prevented no matter how many times you hit the gym. For many people, plastic surgery can be an additional tool that … Read more

What Is the Best Age for a Brow Lift?

concept of what is the best age for a brow lift

A brow lift can get rid of drooping eyelids, forehead wrinkles, and other lines that might make it difficult for you to achieve youthful rejuvenation. Patients who often visit their eyelid surgeon in Orange County feel they might be too young or too old for a brow lift procedure. So, what is the best age … Read more

How a Mid Facelift Reduces Aging Signs

concept image of how mid facelift reduces aging signs

If you’ve never heard of a mid facelift, you aren’t alone. This procedure is comparatively new but gaining traction as a way to improve the effects of a traditional facelift. A mid facelift is essentially an add-on procedure that precisely targets the area around the nose and cheeks. As a result, it can make the … Read more

Top Benefits of a Cheek Lift

Woman with lines on face representing cheek lift

A cheek lift, also known as a percutaneous mid-face lift, is a less invasive alternative to the traditional facelift. While the cheek lift isn’t as extensive, the effects do make patients look significantly younger by targeting the area most noticeably damaged by aging. This is just one of the many benefits of a cheek lift. … Read more

Do Dark Circles Mean Anemia?

Woman checking dark circles worried about anemia

Anemia is a condition characterized by a lack of healthy blood cells. It is usually associated with low iron levels and can result in an inadequate supply of oxygen to your body. The appearance of dark circles under the eyes is one symptom that may indicate anemia thanks to the lack of properly oxygenated blood. … Read more

How a Cheek Lift Can Boost Confidence

Woman enjoying the boost in confidence from a cheek lift.

A cheek lift is often an important component of surgical facial rejuvenation. Unlike a traditional facelift, which targets the neck, jowl, and chin, a cheek lift helps to address the area where the cheekbone transitions towards the lower eyelid. As a result, a cheek lift is sometimes called a mid-facelift. For the best results, patients … Read more

Mid Facelift vs Regular Facelift

Lift lines for combination mid facelift and regular facelift.

Facelifts are a great cosmetic procedure for those looking to improve their look and minimize the signs of aging. The effects of poor lifestyle habits and natural aging can take a toll on one’s face. Depending on how much you would like to enhance, there are differences between a mid facelift vs regular facelift. Both … Read more

How a Cheek Lift Can Boost Confidence

Woman about to get a cheek lift to boost her confidence.

The effects of natural aging inevitably catch up with everyone. One of the main areas of your face where aging shows up is around your cheeks and eyes. This is because both areas move and are impacted when you smile. Cheeks lifts are a great procedure on their own, or even better, coupled with a … Read more

What Makes a Face Pretty?

Woman's face, eyes, cheekbones, chin, and nose lined with dotted line graphics

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it seems as though there are some consistencies in what most people consider pretty or beautiful. While certain aspects of beauty have evolved over time, there are some aspects of beauty that have stayed the same. For example, men’s height and rugged features have … Read more