Does Illness Cause Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

Featured image Does Illness Cause Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are a common problem among people all over the world. Although they are usually just associated with fatigue and lack of sleep, they can also be a symptom of a medical issue. It is good to note, however, that they are not always a sign of illness and that there … Read more

How Long Does a Tear Duct Surgery Take?

Featured image for How Long Does a Tear Duct Surgery Take?

There is a small opening in your eyelids that drains the tears your eyes produce. When you blink, tears are pushed into these openings. From there, they travel through the canaliculus and into a larger area called the lacrimal sac. This sac continues down to the tear duct, which goes around the bony structures that … Read more

Chalazion Treatment and Prevention

A woman with a bump on her eyelid as the featured image for Chalazion Treatment and Prevention

Chalazions are common, treatable lumps that develop on the eyelids. Chalazions do not typically require urgent medical attention, but most patients would prefer to live without them. Learning how to treat these bumps can prevent one from needlessly enduring them. If you have chalazions or worry about developing them, take a look at this guide, … Read more