Does Illness Cause Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

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Dark circles under the eyes are a common problem among people all over the world. Although they are usually just associated with fatigue and lack of sleep, they can also be a symptom of a medical issue. It is good to note, however, that they are not always a sign of illness and that there … Read more

The Effects of Dark Circles on Confidence and Perception

concept of effects of dark circles on confidence

Dark circles are often blue, purple, or brown shadows right under one’s eyes. They have a visible impact on your facial aesthetic. Generally, they are not a cause for medical concern. However, they are a cosmetic concern for so many people. They impact people of all ages and can cause serious insecurities. Below, you will … Read more

Why Do We Not Like Dark Circles?

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Waking up with dark circles under your eyes can really make your self-esteem take a hit. Instead of being able to enjoy the aging process, you might worry that getting older is going to change the way you look. Dark circles, under-eye bags, and drooping eyelids can all indicate symptoms of aging and skin damage. … Read more

Can Illness Cause Dark Circles?

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There might come a time when you wake up to see that your eyes look more sunken, and the skin around them has become dark. If you are struggling to look awake, alert, and healthy, you might be worried that your dark under-eye circles are becoming more apparent. This can lead to questions such as: … Read more

Do All People Get Dark Circles with Age?

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One’s self-esteem and social acceptance may suffer as a result of the annoying and unattractive aesthetic trait known as dark circles. Despite not being a medical issue, the majority of people would prefer not to have them. But do all people get dark circles with age? Do All People Get Dark Circles with Age? Regrettably, … Read more

5 Habits That Might Be Causing Dark Circles

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Dark circles are the bane of many hard-working folks who end up afflicted by this annoying problem through a number of different avenues – oftentimes through no fault of their own. Especially as one ages, these dark circles become an increasing risk as time goes on. They carry with them a number of unfortunate connotations … Read more

How a Plastic Surgeon Treats Genetic Dark Circles

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Late nights, early mornings, and poor-quality sleep can lead to dark circles. While you can usually overcome this with some good rest, stress relief, and hydrating, persistent dark circles can be difficult to get rid of altogether. Sometimes dark circles are due to genetics which can result in the need for cosmetic intervention. Below you … Read more